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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, October 16 2018 | Reading taken from Ephesians 3:16-17 (NLT)

If you feel you've been pushing hard to keep on top of things and you're slowly but surely loosing steam, it's time to recharge your spiritual batteries! Isaiah 40:31 says those who wait upon the Lord will have their strength and power renewed. The Greek word for 'upon' here is quavah which means to bind together and expect patiently. This gives us the idea that to wait upon the Lord means to bind ourselves closely to Him, and as we do, our strength and power is renewed, and we will mount up close to God as eagles, and soar. That word 'soar' gives us the idea of seeing things from a very different perspective doesn't it. Instead of being overwhelmed by the circumstances that surround us, they seem far less threatening from way up high. Seeing anything through God's perspective does. And the peace and strength we receive from doing that is quite remarkable. In fact it makes all the difference, transforming us from being weak and weary to strong and energised. So how do we bind ourselves to God? Well, obviously our spirits are already connected to His, so this verse implies that our minds need to be strongly bound to Him. This is only possible through us meditating on His Word by the Spirit of God. This way we hold on tightly to the peace and truth the Word brings, as we see things from His perspective. Make God's Word, by His Spirit, your refuge. Bind its truth so tightly to your mind that it influences every thought and keeps you rooted in His love, making you strong and well able to overcome every obstacle with joy. Let His Holy Spirit renew and recharge you as He ministers the Word of truth to you.