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Supernatural Help

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Sunday, October 07 2018 | Reading taken from 1 Corinthians 1:9 (AMP)

Are you needing help today? Sometimes the pressures and demands of life can be overwhelming and we become weary of trying to keep it all together. Did you know you were never meant to navigate through life alone? The Word teaches us that we have a Helper, Who has purposed to come alongside us and carry the weight of our responsibilities and burdens, supporting and strengthening us to overcome each challenge with grace and joy! It's always good to read scripture in context, and a few verses before the one selected for today, Paul tells us that God's grace, which is His supernatural presence and power, has been poured into our lives. Then the verses that follow, including this one, explain what that grace does in our lives. We read in verse 9 that it allows us to have first hand experience of the faithfulness of God. Because of His supernatural presence in our lives, the Holy Spirit has made our partnership with Jesus a concrete reality! According to verse 5, we are enriched in Him. The prefix en means in and by. In other words, God's supernatural presence has secured us in Jesus, at the point of our salvation, and keeps us being enriched by Him. Today and every day, we can intimately know and experience the Person of Jesus as our healer, our provider, our wisdom, our miracle worker, our comforter, and everything we need Him to be. It's up to us to press into Him and yield to His partnership in our lives. As we fill our hearts with His Word and rely on His voice that leads and guides and prompts us, we will know His wisdom and draw from His strength continually. So stop trying to do everything on your own, supernatural help is here today!