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No Backing Down

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, April 18 2018 | Reading taken from Hebrews 10:39 (AMPC)

To be "fully persuaded" means to be totally assured, completely confident and unquestionably certain. This is the kind of faith that dares to believe God instead of natural circumstances. It's the kind of faith that refuses to back down! And it's not an attitude that we adopt once in a while, no, the Bible says this is how we are supposed to live! Hebrews 10:38 says, "...the just shall live by faith...". We can continuously walk in this strong, fully persuaded, mountain moving faith if we choose to. As long as we are meditating on God's Word, and come into agreement with what it says, allowing it to influence the way we think, speak and act, we will move forward into all He has promised us. There is no room for doubt or fear, we cannot back down from what God has purposed or promised. Declare out loud: "Lord Jesus, I am who You say I am, I have what You say I have, and I can do what You say I can do. I'm the head and not the tail, I'm above and not beneath! I'm blessed in the city, I'm blessed in the country, and I'm walking in Victory! Of this, I am fully persuaded, and I will not draw back from what You have called me to be!"