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No Fear Here!

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, January 16 2018 | Reading taken from 2 Timothy 1:7 (AMPC)

Worry and fear are destructive spiritual forces that cause the Word of God to have no effect in our lives (Mark 4:19). According to 2 Timothy 1:7, since the Spirit of God lives in us, fear has absolutely no legal right in our lives; instead, we have the Spirit of love and power, and a calm, well-balanced mind. You see the devil has been stripped of all authority to harm us, however, he will do everything in his power to convince our minds to be in fear. But the believer who knows who he is in Christ won't fall for the devil's tactics. Instead, he will stand his ground on the truth of God's Word and refuse to entertain any fear inspired thoughts. How does he do this? Well, since God's Word is a seed that constantly grows, 24 hours a day, all the time, producing life and peace and wisdom inside of us. This believer, is disciplined to constantly keep the Word of God before his eyes, in his ears, and in the centre of his heart. As a result, his mind is trained and fine tuned to immediately recognise a thought that is contrary to the Spirit of God's thoughts. He swiftly takes it captive, casts it out and replaces it with the what God's Word says. Now he remains free from the destructive force of fear and continues to live full of love, power and a calm, well-balanced mind. Likewise, we need to daily, decide to constantly keep the Word of God on our minds and in our hearts. It will keep us strong in peace and free from the force of fear.