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Watch Those Walls Come Down!

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Saturday, January 13 2018 | Reading taken from Joshua 6:20 (KJV)

Jericho was the first city that stood between the Israelites and the occupation of their promised land. They had crossed over the River Jordan and now stood face to face with the giant, looming walls of this fortified city. In the natural, those walls would be enough to dishearten the most determined invaders, but not so these Israelites. They were a new generation, with a leader who was filled with faith. They had no doubt their God would deliver the city to them, the only question was how He would do it. In the face of what would easily be seen as adversity, God's people carefully, and faithfully, followed every detail of Joshua's instructions. And true to His nature, God never failed to impress them, or the surrounding nations. The news of His supernatural deliverance of Jericho into the hands of His people, sent shock waves throughout the world. It alerted everyone far and wide of His power and might used on behalf of His people. No matter how intimidating our circumstance appear, if we have faith in God's promises and are careful and faithful to obey His voice, we can expect all things to submit to His mighty Word and surrender to His Name. Just as those impenetrable walls of Jericho were no match for His power, whatever you bring before Him today, will fall in line with His will. It's time to trust and obey, and see those obstacles come down!