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Put on your New Nature

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Thursday, January 04 2018 | Reading taken from Colossians 3:10 (NLT)

A glorious, creative miracle took place the moment we accepted Jesus Christ into our lives. His Holy Spirit took up residence inside us, making our spirits alive in Him. We became forever united and one spirit with Him! Now, the very nature of God resides in us. It's a glorious set up! Our lives have taken on a supernatural, transformation and we will never be the same again! As we yield to the Holy Spirit's power, and renew our minds to His written Word, our own bruised and damaged nature is being changed, one glorious degree at a time. And this process will never end, until we resemble the beautiful, perfect nature of God Himself. He is full of goodness and kindness. His faithfulness and patience are never ending His peace protects our minds and His joy gives us strength. His love never fails and His gentleness diffuses the meanest hearts. And His self-control refuses to settle for anything less than His perfect will. The more we choose to know Him, the more His Spirit works to make us just like Him!