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Using What Is Given

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, September 22 2017 | Reading taken from Matthew 25:29 (NLT)

This portion of scripture is often seen in the context of our gifts or talents. It also refers to the truth of God's Word that we have received into our hearts. Unless we act on that truth and put it to good use, it will never produce the life and peace it was intended to produce in us. When we act out the truth we know, we establish and set in motion the supernatural force of faith. However, if we never exercise our faith, in the time we need it the most, we will find ourselves being overwhelmed by our circumstances. Our faith will not be sufficient to keep us strong and victorious in the face of adversity. So be diligent to exercise your faith by practicing God's Word. Then you will find yourself strong and unwavering in the time of trouble.