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Speak Life by the Holy Ghost

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Monday, July 16 2018 | Reading taken from Ezekiel 37:1,2,4,7 (KJV)

No matter the condition of your life right now, it can't be more destitute than the valley of dry bones Ezekiel was looking at. When God told the prophet to speak life into those lifeless bones, every one of them obeyed and responded to his words. Now, the Spirit of the Living God resides in every born-again believer, and when we take the time to meditate on the scriptures, He plants His Word in our hearts. Then, when we choose to speak His words of life, from the conviction of our hearts; the supernatural force of faith carries those words from our spirit, into the natural world and produces exactly what they say. A footnote in the Spirit Filled Life Bible says, "The absolute authority of the Bible over our lives is based in our conviction that this book doesn't merely contain the word of God, but that it is the word of God in its sum and in its parts... The Bible is not the product of elevated human consciousness or enlightened human intellect, but is directly breathed by God Himself.' The Word of God that's alive in your heart contains Him and is full of His life and power. You release that God-power every time your words speak its truth. It's time to stop looking at the impossibility of your situation, and don't let your words betray the truth that's inside you. With your heart full of God's Word, begin to pray in the Holy Spirit, building yourself up on your most holy faith, causing your spirit man to rise up strong. Then, in that faith, speak the life of God's Word, and watch every dead-end circumstance come into line with the will of God, and prosper in what He has called it to do.