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Draw Near

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, January 17 2018 | Reading taken from James 4:8 (AMPC)

Many believers wonder why they have grown cold in their desire for the things of God. They don't understand why spending time with the Lord in prayer, and in His Word, has become a task, more than a passion. No wonder their lives are cluttered with doubt, strife and unhappiness. If you have felt like the power of God in your life, that once burned bright and strong, has been turned right down, it's the perfect time to draw close to Him and get that passion burning like it should. Only the sweet presence of Jesus can satisfy us, and keep the passion for Him and His Word alive in our hearts. If we are wanting the fire of God's Spirit to burn bright in our lives again, then we must drop the things that are stealing our time from reading the Word and fellowshipping with Him. The moment we choose to become diligent in giving God's Word our full attention, our delight for it will come rushing back like a fountain of life! Desire will always follow where we place our attention. Today, begin by telling the Lord you are sorry for neglecting Him and His Word. Tell Him how you want to see His power and life burn inside you like an unquenchable fire again! Start building yourself up by praying in the Holy Spirit, and then trust Him to make the Word come alive in your heart - as you get back into the good habit of spending time in it again. Before long, your faith will flow like a strong, powerful force, and your passion for the Lord and His Word, will grow from a feint flicker, to an all consuming fire!