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Your Presence or Nothing

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, November 17 2017 | Reading taken from Exodus 33:15 (AMP)

The presence of the Lord was everything to Moses. He knew it was only by the hand of the Lord that he and the Israelites were alive and free. He was convinced there was no substitute for GOD in their midst. What was the promised land to them without GOD? Moses knew God's promise was all about Israel being His people, and Him being their EVERYTHING - a principle He was trying to instill in them since the plagues. Even the wilderness was a far better place for them to stay with His presence, than a promised land without it. Living without the presence of GOD was simply not an option. Remember the precious gift that resides in you today. Understand Who lives in you and the blessing, protection and provision He is to you. If you would just keep your attention on Him, and your trust in Him, and follow wherever He leads, you will find His presence is everything!